Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Mobile Clinic

Habari, jina languni Abby (Hello, my name is Abby)

I'm a second year family medicine resident through the U of M and I'm excited and grateful to be a part of this amazing experience in Tanzania. We have had so many wonderful opportunities already!

Today we got to experience a new aspect of medicine in Ilula. A group of us traveled with the mobile clinic to the village of Kipaduka. The purpose of the mobile clinic is to provide care for patients who may otherwise have a difficult time traveling to the clinics in Ilula. We accompanied Eliah, Imelda and Asifiwe, nurses from the hospital, who travel with the mobile clinic every Tuesday. When we arrived, we were greeted by a multitude of smiling faces - lots of babies and pregnant women ready for check ups. In Tanzania, children are brought in for a weight check monthly until age 5. At these visits, they also receive their required vaccinations. Our main job was helping to weigh the babies and make record of their weights in their clinic charts. Additionally, we helped the nurses in administering vaccines and performing prenatal visits. Another great component of this mobile clinic is reproductive counseling and contraceptive administration. It was amazing to see this group in action! We weighed in 201 children while also giving vaccines and providing education! Overall, a very successful and educational day!

In the Land Rover, on the way to Kipaduka

Example of a Tanzanian child's growth chart

1 comment:

  1. The essentials of Tanzanian periodic care in children, embodied in community visits! Efficient and effective. Asante sana Daktari Abby!
