Observations on the
laws of Physics at Ilula:
Fighting entropy and
fortifying gravity
Saturday 13Jan2018
For a moment I was sure we were fighting the forces of
entropy as chaos was beginning to erupt during the health assessment session we
were doing for 40 children at the Huruma orphanage on Saturday. As I understand it, entropy is the universal
force that drives everything from a state of organization into an increasing
state of chaos.
Huruma Orphanage is an Iringa Diocese Program supported by
Minnesota-based Friends of Huruma. We
had been asked to provide health assessments for the 40 children ages 5 to 15. The hospital medical director, Dr Sovelo
organized an agenda and appropriate laboratory investigations to provide for
the children. Things started out well
organized. We had a diverse team
including an Ilula physician, nurse educator and lab staff, six nursing
students to function as interpreters and our team. We were greeted with song and performed
introductions. We began with health education for the children. Dr Damaris,
from Ilula, spoke about several health and sanitation issues with the children
and Nurse Sophia, also of Ilula, gave a breakout session to the older children
regarding sexual health and HIV. Then we
proceeded to the health assessments and that is when the physical force of
entropy became evident. We tried to herd
40 energetic kids into getting registered, getting heights/weights, having labs
drawn, having a vision test and having a physical exam. Kids were running around everywhere and we
were chasing after them: “this one needs a vision screen; has this one been to
lab yet? I need an interpreter for this one…”.
Anne and a nursing student manned the registration table, Bri and
Elizabeth performed heights and weights; Evan and Mary ran the vision station
and the physicians (Dr Damaris, Jen, Gary, Abby, Lindsey and Randy) performed
the physical exams. Amazingly, we got
all the children thru each station and completed vision tests on all who could
read. Fortunately, an extensive
laboratory battery of tests did not identify any serious health problems;
several children will need glasses; we issued a handful of prescriptions for
minor infections. We learned a lot about
how to organize such an event
Currently we are working on fortifying our gravitational
influence as other team members begin coming to Ilula. Gravitational force is that physical force
that draws a body into a larger mass or energy.
The first team to Ilula this year has congealed into an impressive
unifying energy/mass and we are looking forward to drawing others into this
energy; Dr John Kvasnicka is drawn to us Sunday; Dr Jose Debes and Tara Rick arrive on
Tuesday. The rest of the team arrive on
Wednesday when our gravitation pull will
swell to twice it’s size!
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